A little bit about us...


East West Apparel began in 2012, mostly due to frustration. The frustration was two part. Firstly, I was frustrated that any readily available style of clothing I was interested in tended to be “mass produced” and either poorly made in most likely poorer working conditions or of a better quality but with a “designer” name that demanded an un-realistic price tag. Secondly, because the clothing and footwear that I did favour in terms of quality, manufacturing practices and style were difficult to access, coming primarily from Japan and the US, it made the shopping experience more timely, often costly and disappointing if the size or fit of the item wasn’t as I’d hoped for. Hence, East West Apparel began.

I have long been a believer in the “buy once, buy well” theory. It is a belief I was parentally schooled in from a very young age when it came to making, doing and buying and has clearly stayed with me throughout and by starting East West I wanted to create a destination for like minded men (and women) in the UK, Europe and beyond where they too could easily access some of the best made smaller heritage styled clothing and footwear that the world has to offer and combine it with an informative, efficient, straight forward and helpful service from a company that has as much interest in the product as the customer.

East West started with just one brand of boots (White’s Boots) and has since expanded with a small number of what I consider to be the best makers in the world to now include clothing and accessories from a few true enthusiasts and artisans in their field.

I will only ever work with brands/ individuals that I have experience of, believe in or who share the same ethos and will only stock items that I feel are well made classics, functional or unusual and are worth the investment. Every item you see I would and most likely do wear myself and I hope you like what you see.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please get in touch with any questions, suggestions or thoughts. The best part of the East West’s development so far has been getting to know some of my customers. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jamie – Owner.