Designed and knit in Germany to the very highest standards, Heimat Textil produce classic, very solid knitwear and cut n sewn clothing inspired by the heritage and environment of the companies owner and director Christian Hofman.
Christian wanted to produce clothing to the highest standards that are inspired by the environments in which he grew up, the mountains and the sea. He’s done a good job! They are great.
Everything we have received strikes a great balance of heritage/ vintage detailing, superb craftmanship, great pattern and cut and materials that are very fit for purpose.
They are made well, made to last and to last in style.
Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather A2 Jacket – Brown Horsehide £1,275.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather TB-139 3rd Type Jacket- Brown Steerhide Suede £760.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather TB-139 3rd Type Jacket- Camel Steerhide Suede £760.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather – TB-141 – Reverse Steerhide Brown £685.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather DR-45 Sports Jacket – Deer Skin £1,350.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather ER-42-SP SINGLE RIDERS Jacket – Black ECO Horsehide Take a Look
Addict ClothesAddict Clothes Ulster Jacket – Black Sheepskin £1,185.00
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Addict ClothesAddict Clothes AD-01 Centre Zip Jacket – Black Sheepskin £1,150.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather KB-140-T PERSIMMON TANNIN DYED HORSE WWII Type JACKET £1,300.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather IN-1 Deck Jacket – Indigo Horsehide £1,500.00
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HeimatHeimat Merino Raglan Sweater – Ink Navy £285.00
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HeimatHeimat Merino Raglan Sweater – Battleship Grey £285.00
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HeimatHeimat Rundhals Crewneck – Military Green £215.00
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HeimatHeimat Rundhals Crewneck – Ink Navy £215.00
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HeimatHeimat U Boat Roll Neck – Golden £225.00
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HeimatHeimat U Boat Roll Neck – Military Green £225.00
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HeimatHeimat U Boat Roll Neck – Black £225.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather – WJ-02 Western Jacket – Brown Roughout Steerhide £815.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather – TB-140 25SP – Olive Roughout Steerhide Take a Look
Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather – IB-140 Type 1 – Indigo Horsehide Take a Look
Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather EB-143 Jacket – Hand Dyed Horsehide £1,250.00
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Addict ClothesAddict Clothes AD-01 Centre Zip Jacket – Black Horsehide £1,225.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather HB-140 Type 1 – Vintage Horsehide Light £1,015.00
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Y'2 LeatherY’2 Leather – TB-142 – Navy Steerhide Suede Coverall Take a Look
- Addict ClothesAddict Clothes ACVM Zip Hoodie – Black Take a Look